Stapled hemorrhoidopexy: clinical results for 65 cases
Ahmet Pergel 1 * , Ahmet Fikret Yücel, İbrahim Aydın, Dursun Ali Şahin
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1 Dept. Surgery, School of Medicine, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan University, Rize, Turkey* Corresponding Author


Objectives: To present results of our patients underwent stapled hemorrhoidopexy due to hemorrhoidal disease and discuss in accompaniment with the literature.
Material and methods: The patients, who diagnosed by 3rd-4th degree hemorrhoidal disease and underwent hemorrhoidopexy with Longo method between January, 2009 and April, 2011, were included. All data were prospectively collected and retrospectively examined. The patients were evaluated in terms of demographic properties, complaints on admission, and postoperative complications.
Results: Forty-three (66%) of 65 patients were male, 22 (34%) were female. The mean age was 38±11.9 (range:23-76) years. The most frequent complaints were bleeding, swelling, itching, pain, constipation respectively. Third degree hemorrhoid was present in fifty-eight (89%) patients, 4th degree hemorrhoid was in 7 (11%) patients. The mean operation duration was 37.6±8.1(range:24-55) minutes, the mean hospitalization duration was 27±7.8 (range:20-76) hours. One or more complication developed in total 17 (26%) patients. As complication, bleeding was determined in 13 (20%) patients, pain was in 6 (9%), urinary retention was in 2 (3%), tenesmus was in 3 (5%), external hemorrhoidal thrombosis was in 1 (2%), and recurrence was in 4 (6%).
Conclusions: The patients can return their daily activities early with stapled hemorrhoidopexy because of less pain and quick recovery period. We consider that appropriate patient selection and proper application of the technique are important in the success of this method. Particularly in 3rd degree hemorrhoidal disease, Longo’s technique can be suggested as an alternative to classical methods.


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Article Type: Research Article

J Clin Exp Invest, Volume 3, Issue 3, September 2012, 340-344

Publication date: 11 Sep 2012

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