Investigation of rotavirus and adenovirus antigens in patients with acute gastroenteritis
Hatice Türk Dağı 1 * , Duygu Fındık
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1 Selçuk Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Tıbbi Mikrobiyoloji AD, Konya, Turkey* Corresponding Author


Objective: Nowadays, viruses are the most common agents of acute gastroenteritis all over the world. Acute gastroenteritis, especially in children, is an important cause of mortality and morbidity. Both the lack of effective treatments as well as due to the unnecessary use of antibiotics, detection of viral agents in stool is important in terms of the epidemiology and monitoring of the disease. The purpose of this study is to determine the frequency of rotavirus and adenovirus in patients with acute gastroenteritis admitted to our hospital.
Methods: Rotavirus and adenovirus 40/41 antigens were investigated by immunochromatographic method in stool samples of 2795 patients admitted to our hospital with the diagnosis of acute gastroenteritis between January 2010- December 2013.
Results: Viral antigens were detected in 338 (12,1%) of the total 2795 samples. Rotavirus antigen was detected in 273 (9.8%), adenovirus in 36 (1.3%), both rotavirus and adenovirus in 29 (1.0%) of the patients. Of the cases who have positive viral antigen test, 154 (45.6%) were female, 184 (54.4%) were male and 198 (58.6%) were in the 0-2 age group. Total antigen positivity was more common in the late summer and autumn.
Conclusion: Rotavirus is the most important agent in acute gastroenteritis in our hospital. More than half of patients were in the 0-2 years old group. Detection of viral agents in patients with acute gastroenteritis will allow early diagnosis and symptomatic treatment as well as will prevent empirically the use of antibiotics.


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Article Type: Research Article

J Clin Exp Invest, Volume 5, Issue 2, June 2014, 256-260

Publication date: 11 Jun 2014

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