High Volume Adrenalin Solution Infiltration for Surgical Treatment of Gynaecomastia
Erkan Orhan 1 *
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1 Gaziantep University, Department of Plastic Surgery, Gaziantep, Turkey* Corresponding Author


Objectives: Bleeding is an important problem in the surgical treatment of gynecomastia. The most implemented method to decrease the amount of bleeding is adrenaline infiltration, but adrenalin is mostly infiltrated with the fluid in the volume less than 250 cc in the clinic. It is expected that adrenaline will accumulate more in the tissue and thus, exhibit more bleeding-reducing effect by increasing the fluid volume used in the infiltration. In this study, the aim is to reveal the effect of increasing the amount of adrenaline in tissues by infiltrating a higher-volume solution without increasing the adrenaline concentration in patients who have received gynecomastia treatment by an open surgery on the postoperative blood loss and surgical complications in patients.
Materials and Methods: Patients who had undergone open gynecomastia surgery between 2011 and 2017 were retrospectively examined. Patients not subjected to infiltration were described as Group 1 (n:9), patients infiltrated with adrenalin 100 cc were described as Group 2 (n:13), and patients infiltrated with adrenalin 500 cc were described as Group 3 (n:23).
Results: The average decrease in the hemoglobin level (bleeding) after the operation was calculated to be 2.00±0.37 in Group 1, 1.5±0.4 in Group 2, 0.7±0.30 in Group 3 and the differences between groups were statistically significant (p<0.001).
Conclusion: The infiltration of adrenaline in the same concentration with a fluid of a higher volume decreases blood loss after the gynecomastia surgery operation.


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Article Type: Research Article

J Clin Exp Invest, Volume 9, Issue 4, December 2018, 145-149


Publication date: 23 Dec 2018

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