Objectives: The aim of this study is to investigate the probable effect of exposure to marble dust on respiratory symptoms, respiratory function tests and chest radiographies.
Materials and methods: Totally 110 marble workers were enrolled as study group. Marble workers were divided into 4 groups according to work places: block cutting line (Group A, n=25), polishing unit (Group B, n=33), tile cutting unit (Group C, n=31), and office workers (n=21). Control group (Group E, n=30) consisted of similar demographical characteristics without dust exposure. Dust concentrations of all groups working environments were measured. The patients administered the questionnaire, and examination findings and respiratory function test results were recorded. Chest graphies were obtained.
Results: All of factory workers were male and mean age was 33,4±6,3 years. There was no difference between groups in mean age and cigarette consumption. Dust concentrations were similar in the first three groups, but it was lower in the office. In first three groups, cough and sputum frequencies were more than office group. Regarding the respiratory function test results, no significant difference was detected between the FEV1, FVC and FEV1/FVC values. But lower values in first three groups than control group according to FEV1, FEV1/FVC and FEF25-75 were detected. Although statistically not different, more abnormal chest radiographic findings were found in first three groups. Workers, who had a history of marble dust exposure more than ten years, had more chest radiographic abnormalities.
Conclusion: Marble dust exposure was related to respiratory symptoms and chest radiographic findings in relation to the intensity and duration of exposure in marble factory workers.
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Article Type: Research Article
J Clin Exp Invest, Volume 3, Issue 2, June 2012, 250-254
Publication date: 12 Jun 2012
Article Views: 2948
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