Relationship between Oxidative Stress Markers and Cardiac Syndrome X
Durmuş Yıldıray Şahin 1 * , Zafer Elbasan, Mustafa Gür, Caner Türkoğlu, Betül Özaltun, Zehra Sümbül, Murat Çaylı
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1 Numune Education and Research Hospital, Dept. Cardiology, Adana, Turkey* Corresponding Author


Objectives: To investigate the alterations of oxidative and antioxidative status in patients with cardiac syndrome X (CSX).
Materials and methods: Thirty-three patients with CSX (CSX group), 27 patients without CSX (NSX) and 20 healthy volunteers as control group were included into the study. Oxidative status of serum was evaluated by measuring total oxidant status (TOS), lipid hydroperoxide levels (LOOH) and oxidative stress index (OSI) of serum, and antioxidative status of serum was evaluated by measuring total antioxidant capacity (TAC). Also, hsCRP and other biochemical markers were measured in all subjects.
Results: The oxidants (TOS, LOOH and OSI) and CRP levels were higher, and TAC was lower in the patients with CSX than NSX group and control group. Also, the oxidants (TOS, LOOH and OSI) and hsCRP levels, a marker of chronic inflammation, were higher, and TAC was lower in the patients with NSX than control group. In addition, in patients with CSX, a significant positive correlation (ß =0.606, p<0.001) was found between the OSI level and ST depression.
Conclusion: Oxidants increased and antioxidants decreased, namely oxidative/antioxidative balance shifted to oxidative stress in patients with CSX. Thus, oxidative stress may have a role in the etiopathogenesis of the disease. 


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Article Type: Research Article

J Clin Exp Invest, Volume 3, Issue 2, June 2012, 174-180

Publication date: 12 Jun 2012

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