Punch Biopsy Results of Nasopharynx Pathologies
İsa Özbay 1 * , Cüneyt Kucur, Sinan Aksoy, Fatih Oğhan, Semra Külekçi, Nadir Yıldırım
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1 Dumlupınar Üniversitesi KBB AD, Kütahya, Turkey* Corresponding Author


Objective: Although nasopharynx (NF) has an anatomi­cally distant sites to view, biopsy can be taken easily from NF by the help of an endoscope in order to reach a defini­tive diagnosis. In this study, NF pathology results in the patient group were analyzed retrospectively.
Methods: NF biopsy results of 80 patients who were ad­mitted to Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) clinic of Dumlupınar University Evliya Celebi Education and Research Hospital between September 2012-February 2016 were included in the study, retrospectively. NF has been viewed to rule out NF cancer under general or local anesthesia by rigid or flexible endoscopes and punch biopsies were taken.
Results: NF patients who underwent biopsy were com­posed of 25 (31.2%) females and 55 (68.8%) males and the average age was 35.33. Histopathological results in 3 patients (3.7%) were malignant. The pathology (96.3%) were identified as chronic lymphoid hyperplasia and lym­phoid processes in the remaining 77 patients. 4 patients underwent repeat biopsy follow-on clinical suspicion of malignancy, but ultimately malignancy was not observed.
Conclusion: NF biopsy is a method which is easily ap­plied in the examination of the cancer and other masses of NF. In this study, age, sex, clinical and histopathologic analysis of the patients who underwent NF biopsies were discussed in the light of the literature.


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Article Type: Research Article

J Clin Exp Invest, Volume 7, Issue 1, March 2016, 83-86


Publication date: 02 Mar 2016

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