Airway management in a pediatric patient with post-burn neck contracture using i-gel
Taner Çiftçi 1 * , Hayrettin Daşkaya, Caferi Tayyar Selçuk, Mustafa Durğun, Mehmet Beşir Yıldırım, Fikret Salık
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1 Dicle üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Anesteziyoloji ve Reanimasyon AD, Diyarbakır, Turkey* Corresponding Author


I-gel is a supraglottic airway device that has been used for emergency airway management. In this report, we present a case in which airway management is facilitated using I-gel. Scar revision was planned in a 12-year-old male patient with limited ability to extend the neck and restricted oral opening because of post-burn contracture. The patient was ventilated successfully achieved using the supraglottic I-gel method. This new airway device may appropriate in cases with asymmetric airways in which airway management is difficult.


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Article Type: Case Report

J Clin Exp Invest, Volume 5, Issue 2, June 2014, 301-303

Publication date: 11 Jun 2014

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